Building the site
A bit of focus on building this site this week has resulted in more content and a better layout. I added earrings and split the LED art out into several sections based on format (matrix vs lantern vs other…). Getting close to having a little bit of everything represented. I need to work on my photos still.
On actual art, very little happened as I was away from studio for over a week. That said, I continued exploring the notion of adding a small user interface to the larger matrix pieces. The idea is a “pick your mood” button that allows the user to move between subsets of patterns that are grouped by mood. So, the order of patterns is still random, and the color, speed, fade, drift, size, and quantity of items all vary as the patterns change. The mood picking code seems to work but I need to wire in the switch to really know.
Also starting to play with the idea of adding a stepper motor or 2 to my old widget designs and making that into a table top item. A vague idea thus far. I fear I have fallen into gear shapes that are much “weirder” than this….
Worked on a wooden butterfly design which worked out well. The grandkid spotted it so now he is coloring it.
Mostly though, my week was capped with an epic battle with my office chair. While replacing the piston seems easy in the instructions for the replacement piston, it was a fight to the death. A big hammer and WD-40 saved the day. WD-40 is mostly useless except when it is not.