I’ve been framed….

I sold a small matrix last weekend during the tour. The buyer wanted a diffuser. I had originally thought of the black LED material that I used on some clocks and a few matrixes in the past. I really like the effect. But the black is not for everyone.

During communications with the buyer, he also mentioned wanting a frame for the matrix.

So, a bit of pondering: could I make something that combined a diffuser with a frame?

After letting that challenge rattle around in my head for a few hours, I came up with the following solution. Rice paper with a 2 layer wooden surround that also serves as a frame. I made a quick mockup for the 8 x 8 size. The design uses 2 different perimeter sizes to give the frame some depth. That sandwich slips over the front of the existing box frame (first image). The square cutout on the forward layer is just small enough to hold it against the front. The cutout on the rear layer, is snug to the box frame. The rice paper definitely softens the feel of the matrix. I think it works. Waiting for feedback from the buyer.


Collaboration with Kit

