Spirit lamps
I love the spirit lamps. I have moved from using off the shelf brains to drive the lights to my own boards (often a board from a clock that has a troubled clock but can drive LEDs just fine). More recently I have been using a board called a Pixelblaze. This allows me to alter the software over the interweb with my pc or with my phone. I have been able to adapt a number of patterns that were available to download for my own uses and written a few that work for me. The folks who are behind pixleblaze noticed my work and tracked me down. They will soon be featuring my spirit lamps in their “Made with a Pixelblaze” section on their site. They made this really cool video featuring my lamps.
That got me thinking about my listing on Etsy for the original spirit lamp. It was really out of date so it got a reboot. New design file, new instructions, new images and a new video as seen below.
An update to the original spirit lamp design.
The 2 sided spirit lamp has finally made it to the Tracy Park Gallery. I suspect it will not be there long.